× 產品名稱:Natural Champa (天然香巴)Yoga Incense was born with the purpose to provide a useful and healthy too..
產品名稱:Mudra(手印)瑜珈?香Yoga Incense was born with the purpose to provide a useful and healthy tool to peo..
產品名稱:Dharma(法?)瑜珈?香Yoga Incense was born with the purpose to provide a useful and healthy tool to pe..
產品名稱:Karma (?)瑜珈?香Yoga Incense was born with the purpose to provide a useful and healthy tool to peo..
產品名稱:Prana (气)瑜珈?香Yoga Incense was born with the purpose to provide a useful and healthy tool to peo..
產品名稱:Lotus(?花)瑜珈?香Yoga Incense was born with the purpose to provide a useful and healthy tool to peo..
產品名稱:Mantra(咒?)瑜珈?香Yoga Incense was born with the purpose to provide a useful and healthy tool to pe..
振奮精神, 清新空氣, 使空間充滿情感。
產品名稱: 義大利斐歐莉蓮花系列 - 琥珀線香
原料成份:Ailanthus Malabarica,椰子..
檀香線香 檀香能安定焦慮與沮喪的情緒, 有助平靜的深刻凝思。 品牌: 原裝 義大利FIORE D'ORIENTE 斐歐莉 手工線香原料成份:Ailanthus Mala..
薩伊線香寧靜卻怡人的和煦氣息, 令人滿足與溫暖的東方香氣 .品牌: 原裝 義大利FIORE D'ORIENTE 斐歐莉 手工線香原料成份:Ailanthus Malabarica,椰子殼粉末,香草料粉..
薰衣草傳統蜂蜜線香 人人喜愛的清甜薰衣草香 , 平靜心靈 ,放鬆解憂, 帶來舒爽的香氛空間. 品牌: 原裝 義大利FIORE D'ORIENTE 斐歐莉 手工線香原料成份:Ailanthus Mala..
香草線香香草香甜使人溫暖, 激發活力, 平撫憂鬱的氣氛。 品牌: 原裝 義大利FIORE D'ORIENTE 斐歐莉 手工線香原料成份:Ailanthus Malabarica,椰子殼粉末,..
產品名稱:Shanti(香提)Yoga Incense was born with the purpose to provide a useful and healthy tool to people..
中文名稱: (桉油醇)迷迭香純精油英文名稱:Rosemary Oil Tunisian拉丁學名:Rosemarinus officinalis調性:前調B.F.(Blend Factor):2&nbs..